Thursday, December 18, 2008

It's all good...

Well, we had the boy's appointment today. All went well! They are both getting so big and this will kind of serve as our 2 year check-up so we won't have to go back for 6 more weeks. My concerns over Noah may be all be due to his ears! That may explain a lot. Thinking back it did start around the time he got sick a while back. He has fluid on his ears. They are not infected (which was the case when he had the sinus infection as well). I always have fluid on my ears so it may just be inherited. But, it also may be causing the speech issues I am concerned with. We are going to put him on a decongestant and if that does not get rid of the fluid then we will see and ENT and probably have to do the tubes. Can I just say whew? I am praying that it is as simple as that. If I heard everything as muffled or echoing I probably wouldn't talk either...not to mention the whining thing. Oh please let it be this!

So, Cameron is 28 pounds and 35 inches long. Noah is 26 pounds and 35 inches long. I have some long skinny boys! We have to stay on whole milk since their weight is on the lower end. But other than that he said they were doing great. And since we really don't have any concerns (other than the terrible 2's which are starting in full force) we are good to go. Woo-hoo! We did 3 shots today and will do the last one to catch us up in 6 more weeks. Whew...I feel like we are back on track. I think M and I both liked the new doctor and he is double certified so we will all go to him as a family doctor. Haven't had that since I was a kiddo...will kind of be nice I think in the end. I am just so thankful he was so good with the boys and he actually took his time with us and didn't just rush us through the appointment. The nurse was fabulous and I was VERY thankful for that. She has twin girls so that was kind of cool...she understood what we were going through with the craziness at least! She also metioned that they try and get the kids back into the room quickly so they aren't out in the waiting room with a bunch of sick people. Thank goodness for that! We hadn't even finished signing in with all the new paperwork (and I even had that filled out before I got there) when they called us back. Okay, first impression was guys rock!

Okay, sorry to be all kiddo talk tonight. I am excited. Had the girls over for decorating cookies but will have to give an update on that tomorrow...I am wiped out and ready for bed!


Controlling My Chaos said...

I'm glad your appointment went well and you found a great pediatrician. You must be relieved. Good news is nice to hear. Take care.

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear the good report! If things don't clear up though with the ENT route don't hesitate to get him evaluated- but I am so glad to hear that it may something as simple as fluid- I will keep him in my prayers!

Margaret said...

Terrific news! The doc sounds great and a problem solver too. My first impression(like yours) is very good.

Kate said...

That doctor's office sounds wonderful! Definitely a keeper there!

It sounds like your boys are doing great. All of my kiddos are long and skinny too! (They were all born before 36 weeks, except the oldest.)

I hope you are able to find an answer with the speech issues. I know how troubling that can be to deal with as a parent. It sounds like you are on the right track though. How awesome that it just may be something so simple!

4 Twin Boys and a Princess said...

Hey there! It is SO FUN to keep up with the northern life via your blog! (Yes, you are bookmarked as a "FAVORITE"!) I think you had an inner Yankee in you yearning to get out while you were here in the South! :) So glad to see the boys are flourishing. Although, it seems my kids get sicker more often in winter up there for some reason. The boys are really atarting to look like toddlers instead of babies. So adorable! Well, stay warm and dry! Our roof and bedroom finally got finished and inhabitable all this week and culminating in Gallery bringing our new bed at 11:30PM tonight! YAY! Hugs, Janell PS. You've ALMOST got me interested in digital scrapbooking cuz you make it look so fun!


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