Saturday, August 23, 2008

Popsicle anyone?

I had to laugh. We went and picked a bunch of popsicles for a playdate we are having this weekend. The boys don't usually like sweet stuff very often (or at least haven't yet). I came home and sat them in their little chairs and thought hey, let's give it a try. :) They loved them! Probably helps they are made with fruit juice but hey, not going to complain when it is hot and these are fun. The down side...they color their little faces and hands (and anything else they touch). I still think they are cute as can be and melt my little heart every time they do something new.
We went to the Children's Museum this morning and when we left I asked the guys if they had fun and Cameron said "uh-huh." So now when we do something fun and are finished I ask if he had fun and he says "uh-huh." How funny! I love that they do something new every day at this age. Always keeps me on my toes. :)

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