Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Why I stopped reading...

I stayed up until nearly 2 am reading a book I started yesterday. That is why I pretty much stopped reading once the boys were born. I can't put them down. Once I start reading a good book I just have to keep reading until I am finished. As a kid I used to stay up the entire night just to read an entire book. I get it honestly though. My mother is an avid reader and we always had tons of books around my house. One of my sisters is also a huge reader and she would always take me to the library to check out books as a kind (she is 15 years older than I am so had kiddos of her own when I was growing up). So now I am pooped...heading to bed very soon. :)

Noah got a hair cut yesterday. His hair is just wild. Must find some kind of product to spray on his head in the mornings or after naps. It is just all over the place when he gets up. I have tried plain water but it doesn't work all that well unless I basically wash his hair. Oh well...luckily it is hat season around here so lots of kiddos his age have crazy hair. :)

I found some awesome fabric to do the shades for my dining room. Not going to get them done before Thanksgiving but hopefully the week after. I looked everywhere for ones that were already made and this weekend finally gave up and went to the fabric store. The sales person there was awesome. Can I just say without her I would have bought WAY too much fabric and stuff. She explained exactly how to make them and everything. I think she spent like over an hour with me explaining and helping me pick out fabric to match the fabric I got for the seat cushions (they got messed up in our move). So needless to say anytime I go back there I will be asking for her. The good thing is maybe this will get me back into sewing. And after the holidays I hope to pull out my knitting again. I miss it so...especially now that I live somewhere cold and there is really a reason to knit something. And of course who doesn't love to knit in front of a warm fire with some hot cocoa too. Ahh...the thought of it just makes me all warm and cozy.

Okay, off to get my sleepy self into bed. Lots to do tomorrow before family gets in and I am hoping to be able to sneak a little time to work on some scrapping pages I want to get finished by the beginning of December. Have a great night out there in bloggy land!


Controlling My Chaos said...

Happy Thanksgiving!

Margaret said...

Staying up late to obsessively read--gee, I've never done that!(hee hee) I didn't read books for the first two years of babyhood, no time.

Anonymous said...

Here is a trick for the wild hair thing..... I use the spray no more tangles by J&Johnson- just spray it on the wild hair then I put some spray gel or pomade in it and brush- Lucas gripes about that far less than head washing :)


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