Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Another busy week

Outside of the normal stuff that gos on this has been a strangely busy week. I guess because I have a few computer projects I am working on so that seems to be sucking up all my "free" time. But most will be finished by Friday so I will resume life as usual. :)

We are going to have some fun the rest of the week each day. Tomorrow is apple picking! I have never picked apples in my life. For a mere $3 per child they get to pick 1/2 peck of apples and get a cup of cider as well. So for people like me who have no idea how many apples are in a peck...I think I read it was like 32 small apples. Um...what and I going to do with a peck of apples? Guess I will be making some apple sauce this week. :) We are also headed to the zoo and museum this week so will have lots of pictures to share I am sure!

We FINALLY got some much needed rain. I know my family down in Texas is not thrilled about the rain and evacuation they just had to do but we are desperately in need here. But my family is all safe and were not too effected by Gustav so I am thankful.

Okay, back to work!


VERO The Sahm said...

I am so glad your family is on safe. TV showed us terrible disasters...I was picking my apples in the garden some days ago ! Apple-pie and stewed apple are planned this week-end LOL !

Anonymous said...

I do the same thing as vero--stewed apples. I get Sage to peel and then cut them with the apple cutter, then I saute them in butter and add brown sugar and cinnamon at the end. It's a great way to add mega-calories to apples... ;-)


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