Saturday, January 26, 2008

The sun is shining!!!!

Man, the sun is out and I am so ready to be out there playing around. The boys are napping but when they wake up we will be enjoying the great outdoors. It has been a dreary week and I am SO ready to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather. Won't be able to enjoy the 60 degree Januarys for much longer. Sniff, sniff.

Still haven't received the package about the relocation. Surprised? No, I am not. This is the slowest company I have ever seen! But they are supposed to be sending us an overview this afternoon. Am I holding my breath until it comes...I'll let you be the judge of that one.

I love Becky Higgins. She is one talented gal and I love everything she comes out with. I went today and picked up this new book she has out. I can't wait to curl up and start diving in. I have been wanting to really do some family history research and have here or there. But this is something that started giving me ideas and stuff so will prompt me to get busy with it again. You all that spare time I have. Ha!

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