Monday, February 7, 2011

Hi, ho, hi, ho, it's off to work we go...

Yep, I am officially pondering going back to work.  I guess I should say I am more than pondering.  I am starting to really look into it.  I really wanted to be a stay at home mom all my life.  That is all I really ever wanted.  Maybe I waited too long in life to have children.  I don't know.  But I have thought several times over the last 4 years that I may be a better mother if I actually went back to work.

I can list all kinds of reason why I should go back.  Then of course the main reason for not going back is my children.  It screams at me (yes, the children do too).  Should I really go back?  Should I try and stick it out another year and a half until they go to school?  The sad truth is I would rather be a stay at home mom while they are in school.  I want to be able to do things with their class and be home when they get home.  To capture all those special moments I might otherwise miss. 

So now I am stuck wondering just what I should do.  What if I get a job and then hate it?  Hate being away from my babies after all.  I just never thought I would be one of those moms who actually wants to go back to work.  Sigh.


Margaret said...

Being a teacher was perfect because I wasn't away from them long hours and I had summers with them as a pretty much full-time mom. I enjoy working; the time I spent with the girls was even more special because it wasn't all day every day. :) By the way, both of them are hard workers, well-adjusted and successful.

LauraC said...

I enjoy working but my work is super flexible. When the kids are sick, I can have them at home with me. If I need to take them to a doctor's appt, I don't need to take vacation time. Things to consider when starting to work.

Kati said...

sending fan love your way! great blog! thanks for sharing!


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