Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I think I jinxed it

The boys got really quiet this afternoon and had been playing nicely together so I knew something was up. They were doing something they shouldn't. This is what I walked in on...

I was thinking to myself yesterday that Noah hasn't been sick in a very long time. And the more I thought of it the more I realized that last year he didn't get sick nearly as much as Cameron and when he did it was almost always with croupe. So what has happened tonight? He has been sleeping restlessly for the last hour or so and I am so afraid he is going to be sick now. Every time I think of something like that it happens. Ugh! I know I jinxed it and now I will have a sick little guy...watch. I will bet money on it I am that confident because I thought this thought yesterday he will get sick soon. Man!

The boys have really been going at each other the last few weeks. I kept praying it was a short lived phase but I am really at a loss as to what to do with them. Any fellow multiple moms out there that have any advice PLEASE let me know! We have tried every option their developmental therapist and books I have read came up with and then some it seems. We have even been trying to give them more one on one time with each of us. I am thinking that seems to have made it worse almost. Today at school Cameron had two time outs, both for sitting on or attempting to bite Noah. Thankfully it is just them doing this to each other but still. I know that when we get the option to separate them in school I will be doing it. No questions asked.


Margaret said...

I have no idea--but is a love/hate thing, like with most sibs? (except more intense because they're twins) They WILL grow out of it;for the time being, keeping them separated is a good plan. Hang in there, Mom!

LauraC said...

This is an ongoing struggle in our house. We have good and bad phases with the boys. We had a HORRIBLE 2 month long biting streak at school, it finally ended when we gave them special biting toys they could bite when they were angry and also they started separating them from the entire group when they did it.

But this week we have a horrible defiance thing at school where they are telling the teachers no, and feeding off each other and laughing when they say no. I feel like I've spent SO MUCH TIME being a referee!!

Anyway what works for us is 1 2 3 Magic. Love that book, love the method. It doesn't stop the kids from doing crazy stuff BUT it does teach them acceptable behavior. And with them going to time out, I get a mommy time out from dealing with the madness.

4 Twin Boys and a Princess said...

My boys did the same thing. Both sets. The biting thing started about that same age as your boys are now. It's frustrating, and humiliating at the daycare, but it's very common. They just cant' use their words that effectively along with coinciding with their emotions. They are also learning power. I'm ashamed to say that I would bite back sometimes, but it was effective...
They are the only playmates that they know. We separated the boys in pre-school finally, and that worked. We also tried to each take a boy when we did errands, so they would get more one on one time. Boys play hard, fight hard, love hard, and eat lots are my observations... Hang in there. And PS. I OFTEN wonder if my would have turned out differently if they had more "me" time with each parent. Every day I ponder it, if briefly. Don't feel guilty. You've got enough to worry about just trying to keep your energy level up. Remember, a sign at the door that says "No, my house isn't under construction; I have boys" is always an easy way to explain it! Janell :)


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