Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Project 365 is coming back!

I have to say I have REALLY missed doing the picture a day thing this last year.  I started off great with taking them, printing them out and even putting them in the album.  But then a few months into it everything just went downhill.  And with all the craziness these last 6-8 months, I haven't even taken a picture a week some weeks let alone one a day.  But this time of year as I am getting ready to do our book for the year and other little projects makes me realize just how much I really miss doing it.  It has been so much fun for me to look back on our pictures from the year and spend time just remembering all those happy (or sometimese not so happy) thoughts.  I will be doing this in 2011 and hopefully can at least scrounge together something for this year, although it certainly won't be titles Project 365!

So I have been pondering how to do this on the blog.  Do I do a separate blog like I did before?  Do I pick a day of the week and just kind of make a little collage and post it once a week?  I even thought of making my pages as I go along but then I was afraid I may get behind and not end up doing it.  Hmmm, must ponder some more.


Margaret said...

Make it as easy as possible and then you'll do it! If it's complicated or time-consuming, it'll be tempting to put it off. :)

Cathy said...

Motivated by you last year, I took on doing a picture a day this year, and it's gotten grating, I feel as though I'd like to give up, but I'm So Close. But I think to avoid the complicated, I'd go with one of the easiest routes possible. Since you already have the Blog started, you'll probably do great just posting there! Doing it AND adding more sounds like too much work.


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